I started reading the letter... "We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected..." AHHHH! Jumping, screaming, high fiving, pure elation. Back to the letter to see the details, "as an "Alternate" to Midway Swiss Days..." What? That should be an illegal maneuver! Who has time to keep their emotions in check long enough to read the whole first sentence?! Talk about your highs and lows.
So, for now we are on the alternate list. April 15th is the deadline for vendors to pay their fees so if there are any cancellations we have a chance of getting in still. After April 15th, and up until the actual event Swiss Days will fill the booths if there are cancellations. I guess we have more patient waiting to do. We have both had a really good feeling about this event so we are not loosing hope yet. Of course we don't wish any ill will towards the other vendors, but we are hoping our circumstances change :)
Moving forward though, we will be looking for other shows to enter. If you know of any that you love please let us know.
Thanks for all your support and well wishes!
That is tricky wording! You so deserve it! I am sure it will work out!